Auroshika Incense

Auroshika Incense

Bring sacred scents into your home to raise the vibration and support energetic renewal. Auroshikha incense is made with high quality resins to cleanse and purify your space.10 Sticks, 100% natural ingredients.

Sandalwood | For a calm and peaceful mind
Frankincense | Soothes anxiety, encourages deep breathing and meditation
Copal | For protection and blessing
Myrrh & Frankincense | Relaxes the body and supports mental focus

The makers of Auroshikha incense prioritize excellent working conditions. They provide social security and pension benefits for all workers, flexible employment options for women, and above all an excellent product quality since their beginnings in 1973. All profits are offered to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, India.