Kiva Burner with Pinon

Kiva Burner with Pinon
The Kiva was a round ceremonial space built by Puebloan peoples from the 8th to 12th centuries. These ancient creations can still be visited in places like Mesa Verde and Chaco Canyon. Modern kivas have some of the same features but tend to be square. Our Kiva is a replication of a kiva used in the katchina belief system.
Set includes one Kiva and 20 Count Box of Piñon Incense.
Pinon: An evergreen tree that grows along the foot hills of Californian's desert mountains, east to Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, and north to Wyoming. This tree produces a cone that bears edible seeds harvested in the late fall. When burned, the smoke is a soft smell of the Pinon that fill the air in towns and villages throughout New Mexico.